Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels

Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels

Reduces   Blemishes

Banana peels are great for treating blemishes on your skin. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C,  and Vitamin E, all of which help to keep your skin healthy and free of marks and blemishes. Also, because the banana peels are high in antioxidants, they fight any disease and can help to remove dark spots from your skin.

Here’s how the peel of a banana can help to remove your skin’s blemishes:  gently rub the white fiber off a piece of banana peel on your skin for 5 to 10 minutes. Let the remaining fiber sit on your skin for at least 20 minutes. Re-apply 2 to 3 times daily, until the blemishes fade away.


Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels

Soothes Mosquitoes Bites

Banana peels can even be effective in treating mosquito and other bug bites, as they work to draw out the insects fluid that is injected at the time of the bite. Banana peels have something called polysaccharides, which help to get into your skin’s cells and stop any swelling and discomfort. This usually works within minutes, so it is very effective, Remember  this method for the next time you are bitten by a mosquito or other insect:

Massage the inside of a banana peel on the affected area for 5 minutes. Wait 15 minutes then rinse off the area with cool water, repeat as needed.

Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels

 Diminishes Wrinkles & Fine lines

 Banana peels are also great for the skin of your face as they help to remove or reduce the appearance of wrinkles. They can also help to tighten your skin and delay any signs of aging. Thanks to antioxidants called lutein. Banana peels can leave your skin looking healthy, shiny and plump. How to add banana peels to your daily facial regime: peel over your face and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily.

Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels

 Removes Skin Tags

Banana peels can also be used to rid your skin of any ugly unwanted skin tags. That is because banana peels are high in certain enzymes that are able to melt those skin tags away. Here’s how a banana peel can rid your skin of skin tags: cut out a piece of a banana peel to cover your skin tag properly. Place the white portion of the peel on your skin tag and secure it with a tape. Leave it overnight. Remove the tape and banana peel and rinse your skin the next morning. Do this daily until your skin tags drop off.

Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels


 UV Protection

The banana peel helps in protecting the eyes from the harmful UV rays. Make sure you leave the peel under the sun before rubbing the banana peel on your eyes. It is also proven to reduce the risk of cataracts.

Amazing Benefits Of Banana Peels


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